Temps de flors

This was the result of winning the first prize in the competition for the temporary installation carried out for the “Girona Temps de Flors” event organized by the Girona City Council.

Every spring, the courtyards of the old town of Gerona are opened to the public during the “Temps de Flors” festival to be operated by artists, architects and creators related to the world of art and design. “A flor de Pell” was the winning project of the competition within the ETSALS School of Architecture. The project is installed in the old neighbourhood of the city of Girona, a public place exposed to rain, sun and wind day and night. For this reason and because maintenance would not be available during the days of the exhibition, we thought of an affordable material, resistant to weathering but also that we could recycle once the event was over.

By adding a basic element, we generate a skin that can be adapted to a specific environment or terrain. Highlighting the geometry in an orderly manner. The difference in measurement between the diameter of the mouth and that of the bottom of the vessel allows them to be joined together at the edges, they can generate both concave and convex shapes, so that they can articulate to generate organic tissue and spread colonizing the space. The realization of the first model also revealed unexpected qualities of the system: its great capacity to adapt to surfaces on which they were placed. The most sensitive accident, the slightest alteration in the plane below, could be read in the vessel tissue. The stairs of the Putjada de la Catedral provided an excellent opportunity to enhance the quality of the system.

Ajuntament de Girona, Temps de Flors 

Iranzu Santamaria + Septiembre Arquitectura

Alumnos de Arquitectura de la ETSALS de Barcelona 

Daniel de Reparaz

